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laundry care tag

Decoding Laundry Care Tags: What Do They Mean?

Laundry day – a necessary chore that none of us can escape. Whether you love it or loathe it, understanding those laundry care tags on your clothing is essential to keeping your garments in tip-top shape. Have you ever wondered what those symbols and letters mean? Fear not! In this blog, we'll decode laundry care tags, so you can confidently navigate your laundry routine. The Universal Laundry Care Tag Symbols Laundry care tags are those tiny, often overlooked labels stitched onto the inner seams of your clothing. They contain a wealth of information about how to clean, dry, and maintain...

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Beginners Guide to Laundry (Calling all College Kids!)

Beginners Guide to Laundry (Calling all College Kids!)

Our tip #1: Head home every other weekend and take your laundry with you. No one does laundry like mom! JK…. Adulting is hard and new tasks, like laundry, don’t make adulting any easier. No one wants to add laundry to their tasks of new responsibilities at college but unless you have the luxury of sending your clothes away to a laundry service every week, it’s just something you’re going to have to learn. Hey… you may even enjoy it - who knows! Either way, it’s a good skill to know. Here are our tips to the basics… whether you’re...

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What Does “Eco-Friendly” Really Mean?

What Does “Eco-Friendly” Really Mean?

Now more than ever consumers seem to be focused on sustainability and making choices that not only benefit themselves but also the planet. The term “eco-friendly” has crept into so many different categories: household cleaning, automotive, appliances, energy, the list goes on. But what does the term really mean, what does it mean in laundry and what does it mean to a brand like HEX? Eco-friendly products, practices and services are meant to have a lower impact on the environment than traditional products, practices and services. Eco-friendly has many different applications in the laundry category. It should be considered when...

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Boost Your Cleaning Routine: Overlooked Household Items That Deserve More Attention!

Boost Your Cleaning Routine: Overlooked Household Items That Deserve More Attention!

Not that any of us want to ADD to our to-do list (it’s too nice to be inside cleaning!), but we thought it would be helpful to provide a list of household items you may not be cleaning often or correctly. After all, most people don’t realize they should be cleaning cotton fabric differently than synthetic fabrics. We thought it would be helpful to list what else you should think about cleaning differently…we may be laundry experts, but we’re definitely not general cleaning experts. We can provide the list, it's up to you how to tackle it! Wishing you patience,...

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