Getting a workout in before work is a great accomplishment, really, pat yourself on the back! But once you change into work attire, what can you do with your sweaty activewear at the office? It’s a problem many of us run into. Leave them in your bag, they’ll soak and make everything inside smell musty. Good news, we’ve got you covered! HEX Performance can help you keep sweat smells at bay. Here are 5 ideas to overcome the gym-clothes-at-work issue.
1. De-stink with HEX Deodorizing Spray: First things first, try the HEX Performance Deodorizer Spray on your workout gear. A few quick sprays after a workout will help eliminate that stubborn odor that comes with an intense gym session. We know time and convenience are important factors when going from the gym to work, so this travel-ready spray is easy to toss in your gym bag and keep odors away during long days at the office.
2. Hand wash + hang dry: We know it sounds like a lot of work, but hear us out. A quick hand wash in the bathroom sink with our HEX Performance Detergent does wonders for controlling after-workout smells. We even have a trial size detergent, making it easy for you to stop, drop, and easily wash the sweat off your clothes. If you wear quick-drying fabrics, you can hang your active wear over a stall door, a rack, whatever you’re working with, and they’ll be dry in an hour or two. Of course, your office or gym culture will determine if people complain, don’t mind, or completely understand where you’re coming from. We hope it’s #3.
3. Store them in a wet bag: A waterproof, washable bag keeps everything contained and prevents your hard-earned sweaty gear from soaking into the rest of your bag. Of course, you’re skeptical. Wet clothes sealed in a bag? Won’t that cause mildew smells and make the problem worse? Not if you’re washing these clothes with HEX Performance Detergent, it eliminates odors associated with bacteria, mold, mildew, and sweat keeping you one step ahead of smelly gear.
4. Leave them in your car: If you can’t bring them into the office, let them air out in the car. If you’re driving from the gym to work, give your activewear a quick spray with the HEX Deodorizer Spray, lay the clothes over the seats and drive with the windows down for some airflow. Double down, and first wash your workout clothes with HEX Performance Detergent to help prevent sweaty odors from sticking around.
5. Talk to your coworkers: If your co-workers are like you and sneak in pre-office workouts, band together to find a better solution. Maybe it’s as simple as a designated area to hang up clothes, lockers, or preferably community bottles of HEX Performance Detergent and Deodorizer Spray. Look, everyone wins! Don’t be ashamed of the sweat– be proud!
Keep The Sweat Smell at Bay with HEX Performance

Smelly workout clothes are nothing to fear, start strong by always washing and maintaining activewear with the HEX Performance detergents, sprays, and regimen for your odor needs. HEX Performance has been recommended by Runner’s World, POPSUGAR Fitness, Real Simple, and many more. It’s designed to eliminate bacterial stink, and even protect the fabric from future odor! That’s right, when it comes to workout clothes, we’re forward thinking.
Wait, what’s that thought? Sweaty sneakers? Don’t worry, we know How to Prevent Smelly Running Shoes and keep them smelling fresh and stink-free. Your co-workers and gym bag will thank us for this one.