You trust your detergent, right? Actually, it’s time to try a new laundry detergent. Here’s how to tell if your clothes aren’t getting as clean as you think.
Tired of buying 5 different products in attempt to clean your clothes? You’ve resorted to homemade methods. But stuff still stinks. You’ve realized that the old detergents and DIY laundry soaps aren’t working. Here are some signs it’s time for a new laundry detergent.
7 signs you need a new laundry detergent (because yours isn’t working!)
Your clothes stink
Big name detergents have been talking up stains for decades, but what about stink? That odor means dirt, oil, and more are stuck in the fabric of your clothing. What’s worse? Regular detergents trap the stink even more. So, you buy more product.
There are 5 different bottles of detergent in the laundry room
You’ve got a sports detergent, regular detergent, gentle detergent, detergent for darks, and an environmentally friendly detergent. They should all do the same job: clean your laundry! Unfortunately, these old brands can’t clean new fabrics.
They’re trying to catch up by putting new labels on products that do the same old thing.
The brand you use keeps selling new add-on products that don’t clean anything
On top of all those detergents, you’ve got scent boosters, odor eliminators, harmful dryer sheets, fabric softeners, and more. Leading brand laundry detergents keep coming up with new add-ons to help clean your clothes, and yet stuff still stinks. Actually, now it just smells like musty lavender.
Your freshly washed clothes smell like they’ve been soaked in perfume
Your clothes stink. Most detergents use harsh perfumes because they can’t clean the real problem: stink. So instead, they try to mask it with heavy perfumes. We like fragrance, but fragrance doesn’t mean clean. Scent in detergent should be an option, not a necessity! Once their perfume wears off, the stink is back, and you look for more solutions.
Vinegar is a laundry room staple
Why are we forced to look in our kitchen pantry- on top of buying more and more products- to get clean clothes? DIY solutions (like vinegar) shouldn’t be necessary if your detergent actually does its job.
You’ve thrown away workout clothes that aren’t even old
Sometimes the only solution to dealing with the stink seems to be the trashcan. But HEX believes you shouldn’t have to throw out clothes for a long time. That’s why our formula actually cleans.
You aren’t using HEX Laundry Detergent
This new laundry detergent is the only brand on shelves that gets the job done right. You’re going to get the best clean possible with HEX Performance – on everything. We guarantee it. All HEX products actually eliminate stink. Everyone says it, but we have testing to prove it. But you have to try it to see for yourself!
It’s time to switch to HEX: a new laundry detergent that really works
Featured in Cool Mom Picks as “a new detergent that really works,” HEX is ready to make a change in your laundry room. Each time you wash with HEX, you cut through built up dirt left from other detergents. Try it yourself, and ditch the traditional detergent that doesn’t work!